Meet the Experts
Our expert partners share their years of research and experience with resources to help guide you on your caregiver journey.

Meet Dr. Pauline Boss
The work we do at Meaning & Hope Institute is based on the pioneering work of Pauline Boss, Ph.D. Coining the phrase “ambiguous loss” in the 1970s to describe the unique mental and physical impacts on those living with an unclear loss of a loved one, her research, theory and practice of stress reduction for people whose loved ones are ambiguously lost guides our mission and services. In 2022, Dr. Boss named Duet: Partners in Health & Aging as one of three national organizations to carry on her innovative work.
Recorded Events with Dr. Boss
Meet Dr. Aaron Blight
An international speaker and consultant on caregiving, aging and healthcare, Aaron Blight, Ed.D. works with providers that serve aging and disabled populations and general employers wishing to support employees with caregiving responsibilities at home. Dr. Blight speaks with groups around the world about caregiving and invites participates to think deeply about the meaning and significance of their individual caregiving experiences.

Meet Dr. Robert Waldinger
Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and Zen priest, Robert Waldinger, M.D., is a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and directs the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the longest-running studies of adult life ever done. He is Founding Director of the Lifespan Research Foundation, dedicated to bringing the insights of lifespan research to the general public through programs such as Road Maps for Life Transitions and Next Chapter in My Life, which Duet’s Meaning & Hope Institute is proud to offer to family caregivers who are ready to explore the next chapter of their journey.
More from Dr. Waldinger
Meet Dr. Patricio Reyes
Board-certified neurologist and neuropathologist, Patricio Reyes, MD, FAAN has more than 30 years of clinical expertise, research and drug development in Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. He was one of the first to establish rapid autopsy brain banking in the United States, and the first to build Dementia Centers in three states. He also was a principal in numerous clinical trials that led to the FDA approval of new drugs for Alzheimer’s disease.