
Start Your Journey of Hope

If you are caring for a loved one with dementia, you are a caregiver. It’s time to embrace your role and renew your energy.

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identifying as a family caregiver


Be Kind to Yourself

As a family member or friend to someone living with dementia, it’s common not to see yourself as a “caregiver” because your actions feel instinctive—you’re just doing what comes naturally. Yet, recognizing that you are in fact, a family caregiver can be the first step toward reducing your stress, building resilience, and finding hope for the future.

A family caregiver is defined as someone who provides unpaid care for someone else. Whether that someone else is a loved one, friend, or other acquaintance, upon self-identifying as a family caregiver, caregivers shared they became more proactive in seeking the resources and skills that they need.


Start Your Journey of Hope

No matter where you are on the path of caregiving, our free-of-charge services and guidance help you begin your journey of hope.


Emotional Support

Learn more about taking care of yourself, understanding difficult feelings, and when to seek for professional counseling.


Physical Support

Learn more about stages of dementia, medical support, and when to make decision about care.


Finding Meaning and Hope Discussion Series

Join fellow family caregivers in this 10-session series to learn new ways to stay strong, healthy, and resilient.


We’re Here to Help

If you’re struggling with where to start, please reach out and connect with our team. You are at the center of our commitment, and it is our honor to provide you with valuable information and resources to support you on your caregiving journey.

Janet Richards

Caregiver Services

“I have been a family caregiver, just like you, and am currently a facilitator ready to help. Support is just around the corner. I look forward to hearing from you.”

George Burson

Caregiver Services

“I have been a family caregiver, and I facilitate Duet support groups and Finding Meaning and Hope discussion series. I hope to meet you soon!”

Deanne Poulos

Caregiver Services

“I’m aware of the plight of the caregiver, as I have been one myself, and I’m here to guide you on your journey. Please call, I look forward to speaking with you.”

Carly McLain

Caregiver Services

“I am passionate about fostering connections in the caregiving community. Let’s chat—I am eager to find ways we can support you throughout your journey!”
Image of Couple


No role is more challenging than that of a family caregiver

Caring for someone who has dementia is often physically, emotionally and financially draining. Because of this, family caregivers often find it very difficult to care for themselves. The Meaning and Hope Institute is committed to supporting you, the family caregiver, in maintaining hope and finding meaning in your relationship with a loved one living with dementia. With support, you can increase your resiliency, strengthen your ability to endure pressures, and emerge stronger despite the ongoing stress and grief that may persist month after month, and year after year.


57% of caregivers

provide care for four years or more.


18.5 billion hours

of care provided by family caregivers.


1 out of 4 unpaid

caregivers are sandwich generation, and 1 out of 3 are over 65.


80% of people

with dementia receive care in their homes.

Statistics from 2023 Alzheimer’s Association Disease Facts and Figures.



Find Your Meaning and Hope Again

If you are a family caregiver, you don’t have to take the overwhelming caregiving journey alone. We are here to help you.

We offer a wide range of discussion series, video discussions, educational and entertainment resources, and family caregiver support groups, all available at no charge.
